Sunday, May 4, 2014

The future of digital live music performance?

Ok, so this site is dedicated to spread good music, but once in a while, I will post other stuff around music that is worth checking out, like this quite interesting new "music device" created by the artist Imogen Heap (who most of you should already know) and her team.

So what is this new "music device" simply called The Gloves?  As described on her website:

"The Gloves are a cutting edge experimental gestural music ware being developed today for the purpose of Imogen Heap's studio and stage work. 

Using a unique gestural vocabulary, motion data-capture systems, and user interfaces to parameter functions developed by Imogen Heap and her team, artists and other users will be able to use their motion to guide computer-based digital creations. The Musical Gloves are both an instrument and a controller in effect, designed to connect the user fluidly with gear performers usually use, such as Ableton - think minority report for musicians brought to you by the DIY/maker revolution."

So in short, it's a device which enables you to perform your digital music using your body.

In this demo Imogen Heap explains and shows how it works (if you're only interested in the end result, watch the second video):

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